SBS-8000 ERP – Three companies – Not limited

SBS: System Based Systems Magic Tech Inc.. is pleased to present the most powerful business accounting solution system as a new generation of the “SQLBS GOLD” Technologies the: “SBS ™ Platform” that was made to be your best assistant tool in your journey of success.

  • Enhance productivity, flexibility and customer responsiveness
  • Enable new business and growth strategies
  • Eliminate costs and inefficiencies
  • Expand your knowledge of key business data

– Multilanguage
– Multicurrency
– Multi Companies
– Multi Modules
– Multi Security levels
– Framework system infrastructure
– Unlimited applications & usage
– Almost unlimited data size
– Very powerful backend database
– Easy interface
– Easy installation
– International support



It is the new ERP technology that was designed for the most integrity, compatibility, productivity and efficiency. It was built to have no limits and to fit your needs no matter what size of your organization, your transaction type, language you speak, currency you trade with.

SBS was designed to grow with you taking you to a higher level of success, facilitating the information you need at the time you need it.

You can add new modules which released every while assisting you exploring the power of Information systems, it can be easily installed into your system and spread to every system connected to the server.